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Importance of Assessing the Sodium-to-Potassium Ratio (Na/K)
Assessing the sodium-to-potassium (Na/K) ratio offers valuable insights into electrolyte balance and overall health, reflecting the body’s response to stress, inflammation, and adrenal function. By monitoring this key ratio, practitioners can detect early signs of imbalance, guiding more personalized and effective health interventions.
Why Would Vitamin B6 Be High Instead of Low in Hyperthyroidism?
Risk of excess clotting may be present when platelets and fibrinogen are greater than optimal levels. Risk of excess clotting may be present when platelets and fibrinogen are greater than optimal levels.
Did You Know C-peptide is a Better Measure of Insulin Production?
Risk of excess clotting may be present when platelets and fibrinogen are greater than optimal levels. Risk of excess clotting may be present when platelets and fibrinogen are greater than optimal levels.
Are You Worried About Blood Clots?
Risk of excess clotting may be present when platelets and fibrinogen are greater than optimal levels. Risk of excess clotting may be present when platelets and fibrinogen are greater than optimal levels.
4 Reasons to Know the Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR)
An increased NLR positively correlates with higher mortality rates and numerous health conditions.
Bioindividual Interpretation of Blood Test Results in Pregnancy: The Third Trimester
The changes in iron and ferritin during pregnancy are physiologically fascinating and relevant to accurate blood test interpretation.
Grounding Improves Cardiovascular Health
Did you know grounding decreases blood viscosity, reducing red blood cell clumping and improving blood flow?
Pregnancy Blood Tests in the Second Trimester
Discover the unexpected results that revolutionize how you work with pregnant patients. Learn how the blood changes in the second trimester.
New Features (April 1st, 2023)
We’ve added the following biomarkers: ceruloplasmin, serum copper, RBC copper, formula to calculate % of free copper, and copper/zinc ratio and much more!
Bioindividual interpretation of a blood test in early pregnancy: The results aren’t what you expect
A blood test in early pregnancy produces surprising results due to major physiological changes. LabSmarts accounts for multiple blood test outcomes affected by pregnancy—you can keep seeing patients (and spending time with your family) while our software does the work. With this knowledge, you can understand why a blood test in early pregnancy needs special interpretation.
A Unique Way of Understanding Blood Test Results
What if I told you there’s an even better method for lab interpretation than functional blood chemistry analysis? One where the results are more accurate, research-based, and personalized to each patient?
Better Than Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis
What if I told you there’s an even better method for lab interpretation than functional blood chemistry analysis? One where the results are more accurate, research-based, and personalized to each patient?
Introducing the New LabSmarts Hormones Panel
Our new release automatically adjusts reference ranges for hormones based on menstrual phase, menopausal status, pregnancy trimester, age, and sex.
Is Iron Supplementation Safe?
There are times when iron supplementation is safe (and amazingly effective!) and when it’s not.
Read more to learn about the details of iron, bacterial infections, and the evolutionary purpose of inflammatory anemia.
Pregnancy Blood Work: What You Need to Know
You may be misinterpreting pregnancy blood work! Physiological changes in pregnancy change the optimal ranges for red blood cells, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, and many other markers.
High Elevation and Blood Work: Why it Matters
Do you automatically think elevated red blood cells are due to dehydration or asthma? If you’re not adjusting blood work reference ranges for clients living at high elevations, you may misinterpret their results.
RBC Reference Ranges and Client Outcomes
LabSmarts incorporates data from one of the largest studies ever done to define healthy reference ranges.
We apply this evidence to the seven RBC-related markers on the CBC so you’ll never miss what’s happening with your clients.
Avoid Iron Supplements with These Types of Anemia
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How to Add Test Results in LabSmarts
Check out how easy it is to add or edit a client in LabSmarts!
How to Add and Edit a Client in LabSmarts
Check out how easy it is to add or edit a client in LabSmarts!