Are You Worried About Blood Clots?

Dec 22, 2023

Are You Worried About Blood Clots?

🩸 Risk of excess clotting may be present when platelets and fibrinogen are greater than optimal levels.

🩸 Risk of excess clotting in small vessels may be present when you add an elevated D-dimer to the mix.

🩸 An elevated D-dimer level may indicate that the body is making a significant amount of blood clots.

🩸 LabSmarts helps you quickly identify an increased risk of excess clotting.

🩸 Be more accurate and proactive when it comes to identifying excess clotting.

LabSmarts automatically adjusts reference ranges for:

🩸 Platelets based on MPV
🩸 D-dimer based on age.

Quickly identify possible root causes of increased blood levels of these key coagulation markers.

Understanding which blood markers to test and how to properly interpret them is


1. Wiseman S, Marlborough F, Doubal F, Webb DJ, Wardlaw J. Blood markers of coagulation, fibrinolysis, endothelial dysfunction and inflammation in lacunar stroke versus non-lacunar stroke and non-stroke: systematic review and meta-analysis. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2014;37(1):64-75

2. Kong Y, Lin G, Yan M, Wang J, Dai Y. Diagnostic value of plasma D-dimer and serum lipoprotein phospholipase A2 in patients with cerebral small vessel disease and their association with severity of the disease. Am J Transl Res. 2022;14(11):8371-8379. Published 2022 Nov 15.

Try it for yourself with a free trial of LabSmarts!

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